Stephanie Frances Augustin


Last active 4 weeks ago

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  • Acceptable rate for a 500-word story
    US$100 - US$300
Stephanie has 10 years of business writing, with one foot in journalism and the other in public relations.
English Malay
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Are You Saving Enough for Your Kids?

The wide range of cost estimates above depend on whether you choose public or private education options for your children. These options also apply to costs from birth including fertility costs, prenatal and postnatal care, childcare, kindergarten, primary and secondary schooling, and additional tuition or enrichment classes.

Stephanie Frances Augustin

Available for work

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Are You A Risk Taker?

The common phrase “You have to risk it to get the biscuit” implies that it is an either-or situation when it comes to going for gold. However, in terms of investing, this is too simplistic a view. Kenanga Digital Investing (KDI) believes that every individual investor has diverse risk characteristics that inform their investment style.

Stephanie Frances Augustin

Available for work

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What To Do With Your Bonus?

“Treating yourself” also means taking care of yourself. So, while you’re heading for a relaxing spa or massage for your physical health, make sure to set aside part of your bonus for your financial health. Take care of your finances as well, especially if you want to be better prepared for the next big event.

Stephanie Frances Augustin

Available for work